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Andrija Pelicarić
star full star full star full star full star full
Putovanje: Maroko
Ono kad vozač autobusa na kraju otvori vrata a nitko ne želi van....nepodnošljivo zabavno putovanje! Jedno je sigurno, ponavljam putovanje sa ovom agencijom prvom prilikom!!! (Translated by Google) The thing when the bus driver opens the door at the end and nobody wants to get out...unbearably fun trip! One thing is certain, I will repeat the trip with this agency at the first opportunity!!!
Bernarda Šimunić
star full star full star full star full star full
Putovanje: Istanbul
Svima koji žele (ponovno) doživjeti osjećaj maturalnog putovanja, toplo bih preporučila Talvi agenciju. Putovanje u Istanbul bilo je odlično, grupni obilasci dobro isplanirali, dovoljno slobodnog vremena i odlični provodi svaku večer. Hvala Tonki za super vodstvo, a Ivanu za odličnu atmosferu tokom putovanja.
martina klarica
star full star full star full star full star full
Putovanje: Jordan
S Talvijem smo putovali u Jordan. Jako smo zadovoljni programom, smjestajem, rasporedom i naravno samim vodičem. Cijelo putovanje je proslo u veseloj, opustenoj i ugodnoj atmosferi. Tople preporuke, a nase putovanje bi svakako opet ponovili 😃 (Translated by Google) We traveled to Jordan with Talvi. We are very satisfied with the program, accommodation, schedule and of course the guide himself. The entire trip was spent in a happy, relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Warm recommendations, and we would definitely repeat our trip again 😃
Dragana Kljaić
star full star full star full star full star full
Putovanje: Egipat
Ludo i nezaboravno! 🫶 (Translated by Google) Crazy and unforgettable! 🫶
Marta Strkalj
star full star full star full star full star full
Putovanje: Jordan
Super organiziran izlet od pustinje preko grada do mora u Jordanu. Tople preporuke svima koji zele osjetiti dašak Azije :) (Translated by Google) Super organized trip from the desert through the city to the sea in Jordan. Warm recommendations to everyone who wants to feel a touch of Asia :)
Ante Atelj
star full star full star full star full star full
Jednostavno najbolja putnicka agencija za mlade. (Translated by Google) Simply the best travel agency for young people.
nikolina milina
star full star full star full star full star full
Putovanje: Budimpešta
Svaka pohvala ekipi te se veselim sljedećem putovanju....see you🥳😘 (Translated by Google) Kudos to the team and I'm looking forward to the next trip....see you🥳😘
Mario Udovicic
star full star full star full star full star full
Putovanje: Egipat
Odlično putovanje u Egipat 🐫🐫🐫 (Translated by Google) Great trip to Egypt 🐫🐫🐫


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