Putovanje na Island bio je moj dugo sanjan san. Isprva mi je bila želja posjetiti ga u vlastitom aranžmanu, no nakon što sam proučila bogat program putovanja s Talvi agencijom i vidjela mnoštvo pozitivnih recenzija to je bilo to, odluka je pala – i ja želim biti #talvić :)
To da bolje nisam mogla izabrati shvatila sam već po samom dolasku na aerodrom gdje je mene i ostale putnike (čitaj: vrhunsku ekipu) dočekala naša vodička Tonka. Nakon kratkog upoznavanja odmah smo prešli na ti, a naše je nezaboravno iskustvo moglo započeti.
Zahvaljujući vrhunskoj organizaciji i vođenju, pravovremenoj informiranosti te dostatnom slobodnom vremenu vidjeli smo, iskusili i doživjeli gotovo sve što nam je ta čarobna zemlja vatre i leda mogla ponuditi.
Veliko hvala Talvi ekipi u pozadini – logistika 10/10, veliko hvala Marinu – atmosfera 10/10, no najveće hvala Tonki. Zbog tebe smo se osjećali da pripadamo svakom mjestu na kojemu smo se našli :)
(Translated by Google)
Traveling to Iceland has been a dream of mine for a long time. At first I wanted to visit it in my own arrangement, but after studying the rich travel program with the Talvi agency and seeing a lot of positive reviews, that was it, the decision was made - I want to be #talvić too :)
I realized that I couldn't have made a better choice as soon as I arrived at the airport, where my guide Tonka greeted me and the other passengers (read: the top team). After a short introduction, we immediately switched to ti, and our unforgettable experience could begin.
Thanks to the excellent organization and management, timely information and sufficient free time, we saw, experienced and experienced almost everything that this magical land of fire and ice could offer us.
Big thanks to Talva's team in the background - logistics 10/10, big thanks to Marin - atmosphere 10/10, but the biggest thanks to Tonka. Because of you, we felt like we belonged in every place we found ourselves :)